Gokshura churna is a traditional herb that aims at both revitalising and rejuvenating the body. The host of anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of Gokshura churna makes it extremely beneficial for improving kidney functions and treating a number of genito-urinary problems like:

* Urinary tract infection.

* Urinary distention.

* Urinary calculi.

* Dysuria.

* Difficulty in micturition.

* Treating osteoarthritis.

* Gout and relieving from sexual problems.

Consumption of Gokshura Churna may enhance sexual desires.


Suggested Use - For better physique, use Gokhsura Churna with Ashwagandha powder as directed by the Ayurvedic Doctor.
For Kidney Stones: Mix 1 tbsp of Gokshura churna with 1 tbsp of honey and infuse it in a cup of warm milk. Take this concoction once a day for a week or as directed by ayurvedic doctor.
Ingredient: Dried Gokshuru (Tribulus terrestris) fruit.